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Monday, March 2, 2009


The episode opens with Renji pulling back Zabimaru's unsealed state and telling Ichigo that he's stronger now than the last time they fought. Ichigo stumbles to his feet and picks up his zanpakutou, announces he feels fine and has no intentions of being beaten. There is a silent, tense moment, and Ichigo is clearly injured. Ganju and Hana urge him to reconsider, but he refuses, trying to get his wounded senses under control. Renji sees this weakness and attacks. Ichigo barely dodges, and Renji says that if Rukia had never met Ichigo, she wouldn't be in trouble. Ichigo flees to the roof and Renji follows closely. For a few moments, we can'ts ee the battle, and Hana notes the futility in challenging a vice-captain.

Elsewhere, Hinamouri shows Kira that Renji left his adjudant insignia behind. They decide not to tell anyone, even though it appears something large is at play. Back to the battle, Ichigo seems to be alive, if little else. Both combatants are getting weary, and after a short conversation about Rukia's predicament, Renji attacks, cutting clean through Ichigo's shoulder. After Renji's monologue, Ichigo blocks his last attack. He announces that he will save Rukia, then notices something unusual about Renji's snake-sword-like zanpakutou. He recalls Urahara telling him that the stronger the attack, the less they can be uses successively. He decides that Zabimaru can be stretched out three times before it must return to normal. With a final flashback announcing to keep in mind the maximum number of repetitive attacks and find the opening, Ichigo attacks. After the third strike from Renji, the opening is there and Ichigo attacks. Renji, however, merely moves to the side and slices Ichigo's other shoulder.

Renji notes that Ichigo's attack was perfect, but he's too slow and inexperienced. He rears back for the killing blow and strikes. A cloud of dust ensues the battlefield, and Rukia stirs as if she felt something.

Elsewhere, Yaruichi has evaded the remaining shinigamis. He feels Ichigo's raeitsu go out, and vice-captains everywhere note that something has happened to Renji's raeitsu. Back at the battlefield, Ichigo seems unharmed, but breathing heavely. Renji seems unsurprised. Ichigo has a flashback of his training with Urahara. Urahara seems to have induced Ichigo to use some special attack, and he's trying to teach Ichigo to use it continuously. The two brawl for a time, and Urahara is no easy foe. Ichigo is smashed into some rocks, and the others try to assist him medically, but Urahara refuses it. Ichigo is wounded, but Urahara is relentlessly attacking still. The two finally pause. Urahara announces his disappointment, and tells Ichigo he's afraid of everything: getting cut, cutting, letting someone die. He tells Ichigo to think the other way. Don't let them get cut, don't let them die, and I will cut them. He asks Ichigo to see the resolve in his sword, and his sword beings to glow almost pink. He's also releasing his energy, causing dust and other small, loose objects to float upwards. Ichigo seems to understand. He rises and his eyes turn white. He releases his energy too, and his sword glows blue. The others note how badly the zanpakutous want to cut. Ichigo and Urahara charge, creating a huge explosion. There is a giant crater in the ground, with Ichigo on one end and Urahara on the other. Urahara is clearly pleased.

Return to the present. Ichigo stands, resolved. He lifts his sword over his shoulder, and there is a tense moment. Hana notices the change. Ichigo apologizes for the wait, and his eyes turn white. he releases his energy, and Renji seems shocked, almost scared. He quickly regains his compsure, and remembers that Ichigo was just like this during their last fight, but this time he seems more controlled. Ichigo suddenly intertupts by attacking. He dodgeds the first blow, blocks the second, and counters the third. He raises his sword like with Urahara, and when Renji attacks, it ends. A giant explosion, Renji's hair is cut loose, Zabimaru destroyed, and Renji is blown back. All the while, Ichigo recites what Urahara told him.

Renji announces to himself that he is finally out of energy. He can't fight anymore. He curses, and the episode ends.
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