The episode opens with the closing of the last episode, the hollow threatening to eat Yuzu. Ichigo appears seemingly from nowhere and rescues his sister, but Karin is still a hostage. The shinigami that was fighting Rukia appears, and Ichigo suddenly notices a human-like figure in front of the hollow. He identifies it as the figure he ran after the day his mother died. Ichigo suddenly places that the hollow was there the day his mom died six years ago. The hollow says he can't remember that far into the past. The figure suddenly turns inside out and it appears to be a sort of tentacle-like thing hanging from hollow's skull. The hollow is called a "Grand Fisher," which uses the bait on the top of it's head that Ichigo just saw to lure in victims. It has evaded shinigamis for 50 years. The hollow suddenly remembers Ichigo, and Ichigo rushes him, attacking, but the hollow is too fast and evades. Ichigo barely does likewise, but the hollow suddenly wraps himself around Ichigo. Rukia tries to use a Demon Magic, which a good degree of success this time, but it's only temporary. The hollow retaliates against Rukia, then announces his plan to eat Karin. Ichigo screams at the hollow, who then tries to eat him, but the other shinigami interferes and barely saves Karin, distracting the hollow so Ichigo can break free. The other Shinigam then uses himself as a human shield to save Karin.
Upon questioning, the shinigami says that shinigamis always attack hollows, because they attack indescrimently. He says it is unforgivable and encourages Ichigo, and then passes out, apparently dead. But it is soon revealed that he merely fell asleep. Kon appears, and Rukia instructs him to take Yuzu and Karin and run. Rukia offers to help, but Ichigo refuses to accept it. Ichigo begins his assault, but the hollow is simply too fast for him to hit or find time to retaliate. The hollow takes time to taunt Ichigo, who reflects on how much it hurt his family to lose their mom. He remembers the shinigami's advice to protect them, and says that he's decided the one thing he wishes to protect is his sisters. He attacks the hollow, finally fast enough to block the enemy. The hollow's fingers grow, however, and impale Ichigo. He is now unable to stand on his own, and the hollow mocks his impulsive attacks.
Ichigo refuses Rukia's help even still, and the hollow continues to mock his resolve. The hollow suddenly puts his hands over the figure hanging from his head, and when he removes, the face is now Ichigo's mother! The hollow explains that everybody has one person that cannot kill no matter what, and it must be this person for Ichigo. Rukia suddenly has a flashback, of someone telling her that she can help and save someone's life, but still damage his pride, that she must learn when it is a fight to defend pride and a fight to defend life. She decides this is a fight to defend pride and she mustn't interfere. The other shinigami wakes up and begins working his way to Ichigo and the others. Meanwhile, the hollow continues to mock Ichigo, who considers it like heresy and tries to attack. The hollow uses the image to make Ichigo histate and impales his shoulder. Ichigo is now unable to do anyhthing. With one final monologue, the hollow attacks, but the doll suddenly begins shooting out lightning. When it's over, the lure has turned into Ichigo's "soma", her dying wish. She speaks to Ichigo, saying she was proud to have known her family, and begs Ichigo to live, be strong, be gentle, and to smile. She thanks him and disappears, along with the doll.
Ichigo now has a new resolve, and begins a monologue about how wrong the hollow was and that Ichigo can still kill him. He attacks, but the scene changes to Orihime, quoting what sounds like a poem. She remembers images of her brother, and says she can relate to Ichigo's feelings. Back to the battle, blood goes flying in the air, and we see that Ichigo is inflicting massive damage on the hollow, who flees. Ichigo calls him to come back, but he is unable to chase the hollow. He still screams about chasing it till only of them remains, but passes out before he can carry through on his threat.
The shinigami that chased Rukia now complements Ichigo and announces he is going home. He says he'll make something up as to why he didn't deal with Rukia. Everything seems to be at peace now, the rain has subsided and Ichigo can now go to his mother's grave. He apologizes for beeing unable to avenge her. Ichigo's dad says that as long as Ichigo's doing well, she can rest assured. His dad then pulls out a cigarrette, saying that one of his wife's first and last complements was "your hand looks cool when your smoking" and that's why he smokes one cigarrette on their annual trips to her grave. Ichigo asks why no one blames him for her death, but his dad merely says that if he blamed Ichigo, his wife would be angry. He also said it was no one's fault, that she was a noble woman who didn't mind dying for her kids. After their moment, his dad hits him and walks away, spitting out pieces of advice the whole way. At the end, Ichigo begs to be a shinigami just a little while longer so he can protect people and someday kill the hollow that killed his mother.
End Episode
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