Nearby in the forest, Ganjuu, Inoue, and Sado learn about Kariya’s plan to turn Soul Society upside down and gather people. After hearing where Kariya is staying, Ganjuu decides that he has no choice but to go ask someone named Bull for some help. Meanwhile, Koga and Ichinose have gathered a decent number of people to fight against Seireitei. The men are doubtful of the Bount plan, and so Koga has to convince them to join the Bount cause. When asked to show how serious he is, Koga instructs Ichinose to cut his arm. Koga then demonstrates his ability to absorb spirit particles and heal his own arm. Seeing that the Bount are invincible, the men rally behind Koga. Back in the forest, Ichigo joins the fight against Kariya, despite the fact that Byakuya is ready to consider Ichigo an enemy too if he gets involved. Kariya uses a free moment to suck up some spirit particles and heal up all the wounds that Byakuya inflicted. Ichigo initiates ban kai and goes after Kariya with amazing speed, though not enough to land a clean hit on Kariya. Watching as their fight unfolds, Byakuya also decides to use his ban kai. Both Ichigo and Kariya are able to avoid being hurt by it, though it’s clear that this fight now involves three people.
Well this episode was decently interesting. Fight episodes tend to be more exciting than ones where everyone stands around and talks, and it was certainly cool to see Byakuya go up against Kariya. That being said, I thought the animation quality could have been better.
Given how the fight was going and given that Kariya could regenerate his wounds, I think that if Ichigo hadn’t interfered, Kariya probably would have won against Byakuya. Which isn’t to say that Byakuya is weak - just that they made Kariya really strong so that these fights would at least be interesting (since this is a super shounen style series and all). And even now with Ichigo and Byakuya going up against Kariya, it doesn’t look like either side is going to get a decisive victory anytime soon. In other words, I doubt this arc will end in time for fall season. Speaking of which, Bleach will be off on September 26th. When it returns the week after that, it will be airing in its new timeslot on Wednesdays at 7:26PM Japan Standard Time. That day (October 4th) should also be the premiere of OP5 and ED9.
To be continued...
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