TV Tokyo, also known as “Teleto,” is the current channel that the popular Bleach anime series runs on. Set in Tokyo, the corporation is the smallest branch of the Tokyo TV company, and it is known for it’s specialization for it’s anime shows, with such other programs as Beet the Vandel Buster, Hikaru No Go, and Naruto, just to name a few. The company is the key program of the TXN network, which is a television staion in Japan. It has sold the right to anime shows around the word, and seems to be centerpiece for anime on TV in Japan. Although primarily an anime network, it also has many news and popular drama shows other than anime on it’s network.
TV Tokyo was founded back in 1968 by the Japan Science Promotion Foundation. It is currently on the rise in Japan, as it just hit the list of the First Section in the Tokyo Stock Exchange. It has sold the world rights to Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh!, and has sold North America Love Hina, Saiyuki, and .hack//SIGN. A comprehensive list of the companies list of licensed animes and shows that it has sold the rights to can be found on its English home page
The official Bleach TV Tokyo website in original Japanese is here:
TV Tokyo Information
- Title : TV Tokyo Information
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- Date : 10:03 PM
- Labels : bleach, bleach episodes, bleach online, tv online, watch bleach, watch tv
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